Repair effect of Meek skin grafting technique on extensive deep burn Meek植皮技术修复大面积深度烧伤患者创面的效果
Result: 30 cases were cured after stopping hemorrhage. 1 case died from pseudo-axillary aneurysm breakage, 10 days after skin grafting. 结果:经积极治疗,30例出血得到有效控制,1例因植皮术后10天假性腋动脉瘤破裂出血死亡。
Punctuate Skin Grafting in Treatment of Local Flap Necrosis After Breast Cancer Radical Mastectomy: 68 Cases of Clinical Experience 点状植皮治疗乳腺癌术后局部皮瓣坏死68例的临床体会
In plastic surgery, the transfer of skin tissue ( skin grafting) is a very common procedure. 在整形术中,皮肤组织的转移时非常常见的过程。
Treat hypertrophic scar on the whole dorsa of hands and wrists with whole piece full-thickness skin grafting 整张全厚皮片移植治疗全指背手背腕背增生性瘢痕
In the1996 accident, I suffered major lacerations to my arm and face that required skin grafting. 在1996年的那场意外,我的脸部和手臂都遭受到大面积的破损因此我需要皮肤移植。
The choice of opportunity of cutting scab and escharectomy of ⅲ degree alkali burns wounds and skin grafting Therapeutic Efficacy of Transplanting Large Sheet of Split-thickness Autografts after Shaving or Excising Eschar in Deeply Burned Hands or Wristes Ⅲ度碱烧伤创面切削痂与植皮时机的选择手腕部深度烧伤削切痂植大张自体皮疗效观察
Objective To explore a simple and effective anaesthesia for free skin grafting. 目的寻求一种简单、效的用于皮片移植术的麻醉方法。
Objective: To investigate the effects of delayed thick splint skin grafting after severe skin avulsion. 目的:探讨延迟厚皮片植皮对严重皮肤撕脱伤的治疗效果。
Objective: To observe the clinical effect of adjustable functional orthosis on the functional rehabilitation of the deformed hand after scared hand skin grafting. 目的:观察小儿手部瘢痕植皮术后使用可调式功能支具畸形对手功能康复的临床疗效。
Multimodality MR imaging in assessment of viable myocardium after PTCA-stenting Intraoperative Care in Skin Grafting with Skin-graft Meshing Machine for Extensive Burned Patients 磁共振多技术扫描评价冠状动脉经皮腔内血管成形术及支架植入术存活心肌疗效植皮拉网机应用于大面积烧伤植皮术的手术配合
Clinical observation of adjacent finger skin grafting and nursing strategy 邻指皮瓣移植术临床观察及护理对策
AIM: To discuss the skin grafting of middle and small area deep noncervicofacial burns for optimal functional and aesthetic results. 目的:探讨非面颈部中、小面积深度烧伤更加符合人体皮肤功能与美学要求的皮肤移植技术。
Objective To study an ideal skin grafting for hand-back reconstruction. 目的:研究皮肤移植重建手背的理想整形方法。
After 1 week, relaxation suture or skin grafting were performed. 1周后行减张缝合或植皮术。
This article introduces the surgical method of improved, mesh skin grafting and its effects. 重点介绍了改良网状植皮的手术方法及效果。
And skin grafting or skin flap transplant will aid in the healing of huge ulcers. 巨大溃疡可游离植皮或游离皮瓣移植加速溃疡愈合。
This paper reports the good results achieved in18 cases of large superficial tumours treated by skin grafting after excision. 本文报道18例体表巨大肿瘤采用局部扩大切除,缺损区以皮肤组织移植的方法修复,获得较好效果。
Results The wound surfaces all heal in two weeks after skin grafting and the curative rate is 100%. 结果:植皮术后2周创面完全愈合,愈合率为100%。
The modified bone grafting yields a minor wound surface which has a shorter healing time without demanding skin grafting or flap graft compared with Papineau method. 改良开放植骨创面小、愈合时间短、不需要植皮或皮瓣移植,与Papineau方法相比优势显著。
Intermediately split thickness skin grafting was done to cover the flap. 中厚皮片移植覆盖肌瓣。
Result: The wounds healed in 18 to 49 days. No skin grafting was needed. 结果:创面于18天~49天愈合,未行植皮术治疗。
Methods Early tangential excision and full thickness skin grafting. 方法采用早期削痂自体全厚皮片移植。
Large 3rd degree wounds were subjected to auto-skin grafting and soft scars formed after healing. 面积较大的深Ⅲ度烧伤创面行自体皮植皮愈合,愈后留疤痕,但疤痕较平软。
The application of tumescent technique on skin grafting 皮肤移植术中肿胀技术的应用
: Aim To explore the mechanism of the immune tolerance induced by the auto-islets in the intermingled skin grafting. 目的探索混合皮肤移植中,自体皮岛诱发移植免疫耐受的免疫机制。
Clinical surgeon used to treat the neonatal congenital skin defect, an unusual disease, with skin grafting method. 新生儿先天性皮肤缺损是一种不甚多见的先天性疾病,以往均采用手术植皮治疗。